77- Incorporating Everything into Worship

Can you incorporate everything into worship?

We do so much during our church services, anything we can do to streamline them should be fully explored by every worship leader.  The truth is, with a little bit of insight and Godly wisdom, we can incorporate everything into worship and make things flow, improving the experience of our congregations.

Think about all the things you might normally do in a service, such as communion, announcements, prayers, mission spots.

It’s a wonder we have any time available at all! Yet as a congregational leader, you can be a huge help to your pastor by incorporating many or even all of these activities into your praise leading.

It’s not just about leading songs or getting people to sing, it is providing them an opportunity to come with you on a journey of worshipping which draws the worshipper deeper and closer to Jesus.  That’s why things like com

The fact is that we can, if we really seek the Lord on this, include so many things into our worship leading that would normally be placed between songs, or after worshipping.

Discover how to do this, streamline your church services and serve your pastor and your people more effectively in this week’s podcast…


76- Incorporating Communion into Worship

Communion is an important part of many church services, but it can disrupt the flow of the worship service. After COVID, we have discovered that communion is perfect for doing within our normal worship flow.

Communion is Worship!

People love it, the service flows well, it takes less time and everyone is a winner.  And it enables you to have bread and wine in every service if you wish, and it truly becomes an act of worship.

Plus, and here’s a bonus, you do not have to reign in the layperson leading when they decide this is their big opportunity to preach.  Yes, ex-pastors are the worst for this, often running overtime.  When communion is part of worship, you can dispense with the long-winded talk and just let people worship.

We often consider worship leading to be about singing, about the sings and the music.  But of course, it is really about worship! So incorporating the wine and the bread into worship makes it a true and wonderful worship experience!

Tune in to this week’s pod and learn how to incorporate communion into your worship times…
