101- How to Upgrade Your Sound System

When you upgrade your sound system at church, it can be a confusing ordeal, with experts having a variety of opinions.

Who Do You Believe When You Have to Upgrade Your Sound System?

OK, there are a million experts, each with their own opinions.  And guess what, every opinion involves spending a lot of money.  Money which most churches do not have at their disposal!

In this pod, we talk about what you actually need to upgrade your sound system to make it modern, clear and rich in its sound. We cut through the confusion and examine low cost, high quality additions that most churches can actually afford.

And let’s face it, there are loads of different places you can put your money when it comes to sound equipment.  The thing is, you want to have the best bang for back you can get, making sure that what you do buy is going to be great value for money, practical and above all, give you the best sound you can possibly have for the least amount of money.

So if you want to upgrade anything, from on stage to front of house, from speakers to sound desks, from mics to instruments, then listen to this 12 minutes and make the right choices, and the most effective choices.  Check it out now…


100- The Qualities of a Worship Leader

What are the qualities of a worship leader who is successful and anointed?  Is it that they are great singers, or players, or maybe organisers?

What Qualities of a Worship Leader Really Matter?

In this pod we have a close look at the qualities that really carry weight in a worship leader, to allow you to discover what it is that can make you a great leader in your church.

Check it out now, in just 12 minutes!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


99- Arranging a Song

Arranging a song is where the art of being a worship leader is well seen.

And Arranging a Song is Also Fun!

In church, we all sing many of the same songs, but it is in the arrangements where we as worship leaders get a license to be creative, and innovative.

You might start slow, or upbeat. You might go up a key. You might even change the whole style of what you play, making the worship song a rock song, or a ballad, or reggae! There is not set way to do an individual song, so this is where your creative juices can begin to flow.

As a worship leader, I can tell you that there is nothing quite like arranging a song in a new way that touches people’s hearts more effectively.  It is something we should all strive to achieve, and it is something all of us can do to a great or lesser extent, whether we have 2 band members or a 50 voice choir.

This pod is all about arranging worship sings so they are new, fresh, innovative and most of all, yours and your churches. Don’t just churn out what some other group has put on YouTube, learn to arrange songs to make them special, and individual for your people…

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
