104- COVID 12 Months On

We’ve had the virus changing our lives for 12 months or more now, so this is a timely pod we need to talk about… yes, all of us!

So How’s Like Look for You in COVID 12 Months On?

Many of us are back to face to face church, but COVID 12 months on still leaves our society changed, and therefore the way we can reach our society changed also.

Get Darin and Erick’s take on how we are dealing with, and continuing on with the changes due to COVID 12 months on, and into the future in this special podcast…

Image by René Bittner from Pixabay


103- Are You Micromanaging or Trusting Your Team?

Micromanaging is a curse for leadership.

If you are a control freak, then this can seriously affect your effectiveness as a leader.

It makes your team feel unempowered, and causes them to believe you distrust them. It makes their life miserable, and stops their creativity.

So if you want a team that thrives, and that loves their ministries and you, then this is a podcast not to miss. Learn how NOT to micromanage and see your team and your ministry thrive, create and be a constant source of joy, for you and for them.

Check it out now…

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay


102- How Quickly can you Appoint a Worship Leader

The age old question is how quickly can you appoint your worship team.

Are You Too Quick to Appoint?

We all know the idea… someone with loads of talent comes into the church, you need the talent on stage, but you don’t really know who they are, where they are from, what character they have, or anything else about them.

Listen to this pod and save yourself a ton of heartache in the future by making the right choice now.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
