95- Your Vision for Your Ministry

What is your vision for your ministry?  Do you even have one?

Vision for Your Ministry is Essential!

The Bible tells us,

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,
but blessed is he who keeps the law. (Proverbs 29:18).

You need a vision to help focus and direct your steps, but you need also to be sure that it is God’s vision for your life and ministry, not just what you want to see happen.

If you have nothing before you, you just go through the motions, or falter all over the place, not sure where you are headed, what you want to achieve and even if it is all worth it!

Vision for what you are doing for the Lord is key in moving you ahead, directing where your team is going, and setting the direction for the church in worship.  This important issue is discussed in today’s podcast, so don’t miss it!

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay


94- Using Multiple Worship Leaders

Using multiple worship leaders during one service can be a very effective and exciting addition to your church.

Using Multiple Worship Leaders is Great for Everyone!

Not only can using several worship leaders in a single service be wonderful for bringing new leaders through, but it can also become a feature for the entire church to enjoy.

It can become a feature for the congregation, where different voices lead different songs, each bringing their own style and interpretation of the material.  If variety is the spice of life, then having more than one worship leader at once is a truly great thing for the audience to enjoy.

What a great way to bring through younger and less experienced worship leaders

Learn the secrets of using multiple worship leaders effectively here…


93- The Role of the Worship Director

A Worship director is an essential person for the development and training of your worship team.  Sometimes they are worship leaders, and some are singers or musicians, but this does not need to be the case.

Worship Directors are Worth their Weight in Gold!

In this pod, we talk about the role of a worship director, how they plan, train, roster and interact their way into the worship team, and how having someone fulfilling this role can make your life so, so much better!

When you think about it, someone who is talented, creative, and sings or plays well has a strong creative side to their personality.  This is great, but it usually means that tasks like rostering, connecting, organising songs books, and the like are not high on their priority list.

That’s where creative types can hand over the organisation issues to someone like a worship director, who shoulders the responsibility for those areas, leaving the creative folks to be, well, more creative!

If your worship team is chaotic or stressed, then you need to listen to this podcast, because it may hold the key to developing your worship team long into the future…

Image by stokpic from Pixabay


92- Leading Worship with a Sore Throat

If you lead worship, at some stage you will experience a sore throat.  We all get them, but we cannot always step back and have a few weeks off when we experience a sore throat can we?

Don’t Let a Sore Throat Stop You Leading Worship

In this special pod, we talk about how you can deal with a sore throat, and still manage to lead worship effectively.  These are incredible and easy-to-action truths that might just help you cope with leading worship when you have a sore throat…

